#1 Michigan Veteran’s Disability Lawyer

Contact Detroit's
Top Rated Law Firm today!

Approximately 366,442 of Michigan’s homes are occupied by veterans. Moreover, 18% of that population have a service related disability.

That is a startling number—if you or a loved one is a veteran who suffers from disabilities or medical conditions linked to military service, you deserve to receive compensation.

Unfortunately, proving that an injury or condition is related to past service can be difficult. It can even result in you receiving a denial of your benefits application.

If you need to file for a veteran’s disability, or if you want to appeal your claim denial, you need a hard-working, experienced veteran benefits lawyer to get the compensation and justice you deserve.

Contact Our Veteran Benefits Lawyers Today

If you or a loved one is a veteran with disabilities that affect day-to-day life, don’t wait any longer to get the benefits you deserve.

Contact us today; we’ll put you in contact with one of our experienced veteran benefits lawyer.

Better Support. Better Experience. Better Results.

At Wigod & Falzon, our attorneys have the knowledge, experience, and commitment so you feel confident in your pursuit of justice. We are here to support you every step of the way and will work tirelessly to get you the compensation you deserve so you can move on with your life.

  • one point of contact icon

    One Point of Contact

    Better Experience

    We assign a dedicated attorney team and support staff to handle every aspect of your case.

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    Better Support

    We have extensive experience navigating the legal system, handling insurance companies, and fighting to win.

  • Winning Strategy Gavel Icon

    Winning Strategy

    Better Results

    We value professionalism, kindness, and respect and strive to provide the best possible experience for our clients.

Free Case Consultation

There are no fees to start your case, and we only get paid when you receive your settlement check.

Let the personal injury attorneys of Wigod & Falzon fight for your rights. Reach out to us for a free, no-commitment consultation today.


Ready to
Take Action & Work
Hard for You
