Warren Personal Injury Lawyer

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Warren Personal Injury Attorney

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Facing a personal injury can be a frustrating ordeal, and you may be left with more questions than answers. If you are considering pursuing legal action, you deserve the help of a knowledgeable and experienced Warren personal injury lawyer. Having someone in your corner who understands the complexities of the law and can anticipate setbacks can only help you in the long run.

Important Qualities in a Personal Injury Lawyer

It’s no secret that hiring a personal injury lawyer like Wigod & Falzon often happens during tough times. On top of pursuing legal action against a liable party, you may also be dealing with severe injuries affecting your quality of life. Whether due to a bad accident or someone’s negligence, you’re now facing the consequences of someone else’s mistake.

Regardless of how you end up in this situation, you should try to find a lawyer with whom you are comfortable. The lawyer you choose will be representing you on the public stage. It should be someone you can trust above all else, as they may be your legal representative for the foreseeable future. Here are some important traits to look for in a personal injury lawyer:

  • Experience. Experience may just be the most important quality that a personal injury lawyer can bring to your case. When you are deciding on who to hire, you may want to seriously consider bringing someone onto your case who has considerable experience handling and winning cases similar to yours in the past. They can then apply past strategies to your case and anticipate possible setbacks as they come.
  • Communication. Every lawyer should have effective communication skills. Communication is necessary for relaying important information to their clients. A good lawyer needs to be able to communicate effectively in order for your case to progress in your favor. It can be difficult to explain your legal situation, but your lawyer should be able to do that, as well as be honest with you when things aren’t going your way.
  • Listening skills. It is important to remember that communication is a two-way street. Your lawyer needs to be able and willing to listen to you. The primary way they are going to learn about the ins and outs of your case is through you. If they aren’t willing to listen, you can’t foster a solid working relationship. Your lawyer needs to be able to come to you for details and should be able to listen to you explain the facts.
  • Empathy. Personal injury lawyers tend to meet their clients at a particularly rough time in their lives. Their clients may be dealing with serious personal strife, severe life-changing injuries, and expensive legal struggles. A good lawyer can provide the empathetic support their clients need by actively listening and seeking to understand their client’s circumstances. If your lawyer genuinely cares about you and your case, they may work extra hard for you.
  • Knowledge. Every lawyer must go through extensive schooling and focused education to become a practitioner of the law. They then have to devote their time and energy to focusing on a specific part of the law, such as personal injury law. A good personal injury lawyer can draw from their vast wealth of knowledge to apply certain strategies to your case and prepare for any possibility that could appear in your case.
  • Problem solving. No two personal injury cases are going to be exactly the same. Every case has its own unique details and circumstances that will come into play at some point. A good lawyer has trained themselves to react accordingly to any potential setback or roadblock that arises during your case. Your lawyer should have strong problem-solving skills and be able to adapt to any situation.
  • Judgment. One of the most important qualities a lawyer can have is strong judgment. Your lawyer may have to make judgment calls on your behalf or on behalf of themselves. One of the earliest ones may be to decide if your case is even worth pursuing. They should be honest with you about your chances. During your case, your lawyer may advise you to accept a settlement offer. If you ask for their opinion, they should give it to you honestly.
  • Strong ethics. Your lawyer is going to represent your interests in a public setting. You should want to hire someone with strong ethics who is going to do the right thing over the easy thing. After all, your lawyer is reflecting you and your morals. If you hire someone with a spotty record of ethical behavior, it may end poorly for you. Above all, your lawyer should not breach your integrity by going against your own ethical standards.
  • Perseverance. There may be times throughout your case when your chances may look grim. It is not easy to maintain strong faith in your case throughout the entire process. Pushing forward with the knowledge that you may lose can be difficult. A good lawyer pushes forward anyway because they believe in the case, in themselves, and in you. You will want someone who is willing to fight through challenges and not give up.
  • People skills. Lawyers encounter a lot of people throughout their careers. Clients, lawyers, judges, juries, law enforcement officers, private detectives, expert witnesses, and more all cross a lawyer’s path at one point or another. A good lawyer should be presentable and approachable to all. A lawyer must be able to read people effectively and project a persona of strength at all times. They must be persuasive sometimes in order to argue your case.

In the end, you will want to work with a lawyer that puts your needs first and understands the impacts your injuries have had on you and your loved ones. During our initial consultation, we welcome questions you have. With better understanding of who we are and of your case, you can gain the confidence you need with our team.

Statute of Limitations

It is vital to your case’s survival that you understand the statute of limitations for a personal injury claim in Michigan. Otherwise, you could miss the deadline to file and lose out on your opportunity to seek damages. State law dictates that you have three years from the date of your initial injury to start building a case, gather evidence, speak with a lawyer, and file a claim for personal injury. If you are unable to file before the window closes, your case may be tossed out.

There are several potential exceptions to the three-year rule that could persuade the court to grant a temporary extension. An extension is never guaranteed, but if you qualify for one, it couldn’t hurt to try and apply. An experienced personal injury lawyer can help you work out a way to persuade the court for an extension. Here are some of the possible situations that could grant you an extension:

  • Legal disability. If you are physically or mentally incapable of handling your own affairs, you may be considered legally disabled in the state of Michigan. This includes any minors under 18 years old, as well as people considered legally insane. If someone considered legally disabled suffers a personal injury, they could be granted an extension of one year from the date that they are no longer affected by their disability.
  • No longer in Michigan. Sometimes, when a defendant knows they are going to have a personal injury claim brought against them, they may flee the state to avoid having to deal with the legal fallout of the would-be claim. Your deadline may be paused until the defendant returns to Michigan. This applies if the defendant was out of state when the injury happened or left the state after the injury and has been out of state for over two months.
  • Fraudulent concealment. You may be granted additional time to build your personal injury case if it is revealed that the defendant who caused your injury fraudulently concealed the fact that you brought a claim against them or attempted to conceal the identity of the person who caused your injury.

Different Kinds of Personal Injury Cases

You can bring a personal injury case against anyone who causes you to be injured through negligent, malicious, or ignorant actions. Some of the various kinds of personal injury cases that the legal team at Wigod & Falzon can help you manage include:

  • Car accidents. A car accident remains one of the most common kinds of personal injury cases across the nation. If you are injured in a car accident, you will likely bring a claim against the driver of the car that caused the accident. Depending on the accident, you may also bring a claim against the manufacturer of the vehicle, the local government responsible for road conditions, or other responsible parties.
  • Dog bites. Dogs may be a human’s best friend, but they are still animals with instincts. This could lead to the possibility that a dog could bite you. Since dogs are considered the property of their owners, when a dog bites someone, it can be considered a premises liability situation. It is the pet owner’s responsibility to compensate the dog bite victim for their damages, particularly medical expenses and usually emotional distress.
  • Wrongful death. In Warren, Michigan If an injury or accident leads to a fatality, the at-fault party could be held responsible for such incidents. When a loved one passes because of this negligence, they leave behind a hole in the family and, often, a loss of financial support. The negligent party could be held responsible for recovering these losses. No matter what they are held accountable for, it will never be enough to fill the void left by your loss.

These are just a few of the types of personal injury cases that our team can help with. No matter what the circumstances of your claim, let us evaluate your options and help you take the next steps.


What Percentage Do Most Personal Injury Lawyers Take?

The amount your injury lawyer may take as payment for your case will vary depending on the circumstances of your case and the lawyer’s fee structure. Generally, it is a certain percentage of your total compensation package. Every personal injury case is different, however, and you should discuss the details of your case with your lawyer and inquire about the potential fees during your initial consultation.

What Is the Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury in Michigan?

The statute of limitations for a personal injury claim in Michigan is three years. If you are unable to file before three years are up, you may be able to qualify for an extension, or your case may be dismissed. Some injuries take time to appear, and when they do, you should immediately seek the counsel of an experienced attorney. With their help, you can find out what options you have to seek compensation for those injuries.

How Do I File a Personal Injury Claim in Michigan?

If you want to file a personal injury claim in Michigan, your first step should be to reach out to a Michigan personal injury lawyer who can represent you throughout the process. A good lawyer can take charge of your case and handle the filing themselves while you focus on your recovery. Your lawyer may advise you to document your injury, provide medical and police reports, and be totally honest with them.

Can You Sue for Pain and Suffering in Michigan?

You can sue for pain and suffering in Michigan. The amount of damages you could receive will depend on whether you meet the qualifications and the circumstances of the case. To find out if you qualify, speak with your personal injury lawyer, who will review the details of your claim and help you identify the compensation you may be entitled to, including for pain and suffering.

Hire Warren Personal Injury Lawyer’s Team

Facing a personal injury claim on your own can be daunting, difficult, and unpredictable. You will want someone in your corner who has experience handling cases like yours and can provide you with solid advice and legal help throughout your case. At Wigod & Falzon, we can help make sure you aren’t taken advantage of by insurance companies or opposing counsel. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get the compensation you deserve.

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