Michigan Assigned Claims Plan

The Michigan Assigned Claims Plan is a state-run program that provides No-Fault Personal Injury Protection (PIP) benefits to motor-vehicle accident victims that do not have insurance. Through this agency, insurance providers are appointed to oversee the claims of uninsured individuals.

While the Michigan Assigned Claims Plan provides a way for injured individuals to receive compensation, navigating the claims process can be complex and confusing, this is where the expertise of a personal injury attorney can be invaluable.

The experienced Michigan Assigned Claims case attorneys at Wigod & Falzon will guide you through the claims process, ensuring all necessary paperwork is filed correctly, deadlines are met, and your rights are protected.

Additionally, we’ll work hard to maximize the compensation received, which can be crucial for individuals facing significant medical bills, lost wages, and other damages.

Understanding the Michigan Assigned Claims Plan

The Michigan Assigned Claims Plan compensates those injured in accidents where the at-fault driver was uninsured, fled the scene, or whose insurance company denied their claim. It also applies to pedestrians and bicyclists who were not driving a vehicle.

To be eligible for compensation under the Michigan Assigned Claims Plan, an individual must meet the following requirements:

  • They must have been injured in an automobile accident in Michigan.
  • The accident must have been caused by an uninsured motor vehicle or involved in a hit-and-run.
  • The injured individual is not covered by their own insurance policy or the policy of a resident relative or spouse.

The Michigan Assigned Claims Plan covers a range of benefits that an individual may suffer the loss of because of an automobile accident, including:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Replacement services
  • Attendant care

How A Michigan Assigned Claims Attorney Can Help

The Michigan Assigned Claims Plan is a complex process and navigating it alone can be challenging. Having a personal injury attorney on your side is crucial for a successful claim. Here’s why:

Knowledge of the Michigan Assigned Claims Law & Regulations

The Michigan Assigned Claims Plan is governed by laws and regulations that can be difficult for a layperson to understand.

However, an experienced personal injury attorney has a deep understanding of these laws and regulations and can help guide you through the claims process with confidence.

Filing the Claim Correctly

Many forms and deadlines are involved in filing a claim under the Michigan Assigned Claims Plan, and failing to file them correctly can lead to the denial of your claim.

A personal injury attorney can help ensure all paperwork is filed correctly and on time, increasing your chances of receiving compensation.

Gathering Evidence

To support your claim, you must gather evidence, including medical records, police reports, and witness statements. An attorney can help you gather evidence and build a strong case on your behalf.

Maximizing Compensation

A personal injury attorney can also help maximize your compensation under the Michigan Assigned Claims Plan.

They can help you understand what damages you may be entitled to, and they can negotiate with the insurance company to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Handling Appeals

If your claim is denied, you can sue the Michigan Assigned Claims Plan. An attorney can help you navigate the appeals process and fight for your right to compensation.

Need Help Navigating the Assigned Claims Process?

The Michigan Assigned Claims Plan is a complex process, and having a personal injury attorney on your side can be crucial for a successful claim.

The knowledgeable team at Wigod & Falzon will help you navigate the process, file your claim correctly, gather evidence, maximize compensation, and handle appeals if necessary.

Our attorneys and staff have successfully dealt with the Assigned Claims Facility for many years. In fact, we’ve formed a specialized department dedicated to handling assigned claims cases.

Contact us today for a free consultation on your Michigan Assigned Claim Plan case. As always, there are no fees for your case until we win.

We also welcome referrals from attorneys and law firms working on assigned claims cases. 



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